Thursday, May 21, 2009


Twilight电影观后,似乎结局是好的,看到最后很 sweet。外国人长得真是符合中国人的审美,nod, nod (做窃笑状)

due to twilight

前阵子读了本小说,其实没读完,但是有些感慨。虽然自己写不出优美的英文,但是好在美丽的景色和人的感情是共通的,并不会因为语言的不同而不同。一般来说,我看小说,特别是第一遍,都是连蹦带跳的读故事。因为这本是英文的,本着学习的态度,我基本上不跳段。远在Florida, 对于下雪的感觉已经尘封在记忆当中,一段关于雪后的描述,让我仿佛回到了小时候,当下觉得心里暖烘烘的。曾几何时,我的作文也是响当当的,我也写得优美的句子,现在呢,提笔忘字,张口忘词,很多说法都想不起来了。少了和狐朋狗友们在一起臭贫,现在整个人都无知呆板了起来,英文压抑了我的喜感,我所引以为傲的风趣和敏捷正在渐渐的消失。。。


Friday, May 15, 2009

This is life

When something begins, you generally have no idea how it is going to end.
The house you are going to sell becomes your home,
the roommates you are forced to take in become your family,
and the major in college you were determined to change becomes the career of your life.

This is life.
You had spend a lot of time on the future, planning, working towards it, but something begins, you start to realize your life is happening now.

Today was the future years ago... but I was always looking forward without seeing the present!

Monday, May 11, 2009


Just moved into a new office:
Not high--second floor, I like
Well organized officemates, I like
Large windows which means fresh air, I like
Plus a nice view...
there is a big oak in front of the window. I never thought it could be beautiful, since it has never attracted my attention for years.  
The fact is it is perfect when watched from here. 
Look out of the window
The green leaves and dark twigs are waving to me under the golden sun light....
It makes me peaceful and delighted.
I like...

Saturday, May 9, 2009

The biggest day

You'll never know the biggest day of your life is going to be the biggest.
Those you think are going to be big ones,
they are never as big as you make them out to be in your head.
the regular days.
The ones that start out normal...
Those are the days that end up being the biggest!

Friday, May 1, 2009

The Dress Code...

I am so happy to be invited to the graduation ceremony by Cherika. Actually I am looking forward to this from the beginning of the year. It is held tomorrow.  All of a sudden, I realize that I need to dress up! I don't even know the dress code. 

After I googled online... Pity me! I know the dress code now but I have no dress in my wardrobe or even something formal and nice. 

I have to run to take a shower now... since they will cut off the hot water for the following week. They cut off the hot water but not lower the rent which includes all the utilities and is high.
I really want to say something about this(murmuring..)  BUT there is a lot to be done today...